They're Made Out of Meat

by Nebual

Biters drop Meat. Meat is fuel. Blood is steam. Bones are bullets.

5 years ago
0.15 - 0.17

g Make the bots pickup the meat automaticaly?

7 years ago

Is there any trick to get the bots to pickup the meats in the roboport range automaticaly?

7 years ago

You need to make Meat Bots, out of a Meat Bot Roboport - which will automatically collect meat, and are ignored by Biters (because of the meat).

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Ah I see.. I didn't realize there was a custom roboport too. Giving the bots, roboport and boiler graphic a red tint could help differentiate them.


7 years ago

Is it possible the recipe for meat solid fuel is wrong? it cost the same as heavy oil solid fuel + 1 meat cube yet give the same result as the heavy oil solid fuel recipe.. basically it's a pricier recipe for the same thing.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

it's weird the game crash to desktop each time I try to place a meat harvesting chest with v16.12.

edit: did a bug report ->

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