with that disclaimer out of the way, i made a custom scenario and this is also my first upload on this site, it is themed after finding a unfinished outpost on an alien world. It only uses one lightweight mod, which gives resource patches no limits, so you can mine forever, though i assume you can remove or not use it if you want. I cannot confirm that however.
a link to the mod used will be provided post upload.
here is the description as seen when you first spawn:
"This is the place. After wandering aimlessly for days, you found your your client's designated outpost. However, comms have gone quiet, and you feel you are going to be left to your own devices. You might as well adapt with what you found, and hunker down for the long haul. After a brief assessment, you noticed the following: The outpost is not fully set up, The outpost has oil based production capabilities which are currently limited, The steam based generators are fuel hogs, and the poor guy left his personal tank and train here. Otherwise, there are currently no defences. The full tech capabilities of your employer is going to help, though. Your secondary task is to launch a rocket into space. You already have advanced technologies to build the rocket silo, but no means of producing and building it. Start small, work your way up with automation and don't forget to protect yourself from the natives."
please be aware this is a converted save, and it has all research unlocked, though it is day 1. So no achievements for you :)