The Third Dimension - Data Exporter

This mod is designed to read your base, all the entities, world tiles, everything you see in it, and export it to a file, with the intention of recreating your base in Blender.

2 years ago
2 years ago
Latest Version:
0.0.12 (2 years ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
46 users

This mod is designed to read your base, all the entities, world tiles, everything you see in it, and export it to a json file, with the intention of recreating your base in Blender.

Make sure you move your export file to a safe folder. Mods have no way of checking if a file of the same name exists. Any file left in the script-output folder risks being overwritten.

Command with no parameters will display this message.

Export every surface in the game. Even those with spaces in their name.

-surface <surfacename> <surfacename>
Include only the surfaces following this parameter (for surface names that do not include spaces).

-surface_ <surfacename> <surfacename>
This parameter will convert underscore characters in all following surface names to a space character.
eg /export -surface_ nauvis_orbit
will export the surface called 'nauvis orbit'.
This command does not support surface names that have both spaces and underscores. Use -all instead.

-output <filename>
Sets the name of the output file. Default filename is 'mybase.base'.

Include entity types in the hardcoded list of visible types only.

Ignore entity types on the hardcoded list, unless they is also in the list of visible types.

/export -all
/export -surface nauvis
/export -all -output mybase.base -ignore

Other commands:

Print the Ignore list and the Visible list to the console.

/i <entity> <entity>
Add entity types to the Ignore list
eg /i tree fish

/v <entity> <entity>
Add entity types to the Visible list
eg /v transport-belt inserter assembling-machine

Remove all items from the list, ie reset the Ignore list to zero items.

Remove all items from the list, ie reset the Visible list to zero items.

Add some hardcoded entity types to the Ignore and Visible lists.