The Fat Controller

A conductor of trains.

5 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

b [todo] Space Exploration incompatiblity

6 months ago

I realize that mod seems abandoned, but still gonna leave this bug report here as a warning.

Symptoms: a ghost character entity of name "entity-name.fatcontroller" has appeared. Interactable, with an inventory and equipment slots.
Saving and loading didn't make it go away. Disabling the mod and force-loading the save helped.
Migration log was : Removed Entities -> fatcontroller (character) -> 3.

Possible way to reproduce: attempted to control a train on a surface different from my character's, using SE's navsat mode.

5 months ago

No longer abandoned, but I'll wait with this one until Space Age is out. If you have a save, feel free to upload it and link it here, eventually I'll have to fix it for the standard version anyways.

New response