The Fat Controller

A conductor of trains.

5 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

i Quick search and color coding

5 years ago

Hello again,

I'm loving being able to see the color band of the train! Thanks again.

I have two other ideas/suggestions that would make the mod even more usable:

  1. A text box in addition to or instead of the page selector where as I type it would filter the list by that sequence of letter. Aka - a quick filter. The current filter is good, but takes time to select a group of trains to show, then show a different group of trains. I name my trains by purpose/area eg: AreaA_Ore1, so typing AreaA in quick search would show all trains for that area, or typing Ore would show all ore trains ... you get the idea.

  2. For the colour band, can you show all engine colours ... I use two engines at the head of my trains where the first colour denotes the type (Ore, Defense etc) while the second denotes the Area, so seeing 2 colours in the bank would be useful.

If you only have time for one feature then #1 would be my preference.

Thanks again and keep up the good work.


5 years ago

I like idea 1. That being said, it's going to have to wait until i rewrite most of Fat Controller, the code aged badly and still doesn't use API events introduced 2 years ago.. xD

Not sure about 2, guess that depends on how the reworked gui ends up looking.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Awesome ... cannot wait.

Was just thinking .. .couple more things to consider:
1. Regex search
2. Sort list ... currently it sorts by train creation order - alpha would be good.
3. Show train name before its location eg. MyTrain1 > StationA ... cause when you are scanning down the list, the train names dont line up.


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