The Fat Controller

A conductor of trains.

5 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

b Train getting the "Stuck at signal" icon when stopping at temporary stop.

5 years ago

My personal shuttle train get the triangular "stuck at signal" icon every time it arrives at a temporary stop.
I click it so it goes away but it comes back every time the train is stopping.

Don't feel like going through the source to find a probably cause but it would be nice to not get that over and over again.
I am sure restarting the game would make the issue go away but that's not going to solve the issue, there's probably some stuck variable someplace.

5 years ago

The problem goes away when arriving at an actual station it seems.

5 years ago

I can't reproduce it. Are you using any other mods that do "something" with temporary station?

I stuck a train on a signal until the alarm appeared the first time, then made it go to a few temporary stations without the alarm reappearing. Some quick debug messages suggest the alarm got properly reset when the train left the signal.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Only train related mod i know i am using is LTN.
And as i said, it unstuck itself when i put a real station in the orders and stopped there. Didn't consider it until i wrote the report.

Not sure how to reproduce because it just happened out of nowhere.

EDIT: And the particular train has never stopped at a station before. I also leave the game running 24/7. So perhaps it happens once in a blue moon because of some overflow.

5 years ago

I guess that's 1 / 0 magic then.
Let me know if it happens again and I will take a closer look. But Fat is due for an overhaul anyways, so i don't want to spend too much time digging through 2 years old code.

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