The Fat Controller

A conductor of trains.

5 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

b "Control train" button not working

5 years ago

I disabled all mods, and still when I click "control train", nothing happens. Any idea what would cause this, or how I can look into it?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Any idea what would cause this, or how I can look into it?

No idea as for the cause.
To try and solve it: Disable Fat Controller, load and save the game and then enable it again. This should fix it. When it happens again please provide a save and/or mods used.

5 years ago

Hello, I use the Fat Controller for a long time without any problems in all previous games.
Now I have started a new game with the Mod Industrial Revolution. Since then, the icon at the edge of the game no longer appears to open the menu. At the start, he brings a message that he has found x-trains, etc.
In my opinion, it works in the background, but does not display the GUI icon.
Do you have a solution for that?
thank you in advance
mfg Norbert

5 years ago

That worked, thank you!

New response