The Fat Controller

A conductor of trains.

5 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

b [solved]CRASH in train tutorial

5 years ago

on a map with "a few" other mods (factorio 0.17.50), i had just finished rail research and got the popup to do the tutorial about "basic trains". since i hadn't yet done the first tutorial about "inventory transfers", i clicked that tutorial and got a crash from the FAT controler mod (tried again with the train tutorial, and got the same crash) :

Error while applying migration: The Fat Controller: 2019-04-26_FatController_4.0.6.lua

...ntroller__/migrations/2019-04-26_FatController_4.0.6.lua:2: attempt to index global 'GUI' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
...ntroller__/migrations/2019-04-26_FatController_4.0.6.lua:2: in main chunk

ps: in addition to that crash, factorio itself showed some "unwanted" behavior:
the window for "tips & tricks" (default hotkey "shift -") is a modal window that pauses the game so that people can take their time to read through all those tips at their own pace without something bad happening ingame, but the tutoral window does NOT pause the game. this window is also not only shown at the map's start or on demand, it automatically pops up after some key researches and thus can have bad consequences ingame while hiding the character and what happens to him (eg during a biter attack, while driving, etc).
should this be posted on the forums as a feature request or even as a bug report ?

5 years ago

Should be fixed in the latest update.

Regarding your PS: I don't think it's a bug, at most a suggestion to pause the game when it pops up after a research.

New response