The Fat Controller

A conductor of trains.

5 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

i Basegame Fluid Wagon Support?

7 years ago

Currently the mod doesn't show fluid contained inside fluid wagons, is this planned on being added?

Each wagon contains 3 tanks that can hold 25k of a fluid. By default all 3 tanks in a wagon are connected but can have up to 4 different configurations. At maximum (all separated) each wagon could potentially have 3 different fluids.

I currently have my fluid trains set up like my item trains, 3 wagons, 2 engines on each end. 25,000 fluid x 3 tanks x 3 cars = 225,000 fluid max of one type.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

It will be added as soon as there is a API for it, currently there's no way of getting that information.

Edit: I stand corrected, it is available. Update incoming

7 years ago

Just noticed the oil updating in my FAT controller, had to come back here immediately. Thanks! :D

New response