Texugo Wind Generator

Wind Generators produces free energy, but are expensive and don't have a steady output. This mods adds 3 tiers of Turbines, from small wood generators to massive steel turbines. Last Update 0.18.4 - Thank you very much Micromario for the great polish of the mod and adding compatibility to some mods.

3 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

b Power problem

3 years ago

Steel, huge , and Titanic turbine have same power production (1,27MW max) . So is no profitable to build huge and titanic if they works exacly like Steel. Can You increase huge and titanic power production please?

3 years ago

Im not sure where u get this number. (its a very odd number)
with the default wind setting strength = 1 , turbines generates on average:
Wood = 40 kw
Steel = 400 kw
Huge = 4 MW
Titanic = 40 MW
All turbines oscillates the max power output +/- 30%.
And it is working as intended, just tested myself.
It can be a problem with another mod messing with the code.

3 years ago

I have krastori

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I have krastorio2 space exploration and fev other (aircraft, geothermal energy, ta miners). Is this mod compatibile with this mods?

3 years ago

Probably :(

3 years ago

I use a ton of mods, i have at minimum 100 mods Active, including some u listed. This mod is very simple and dont interact with other mods.
But im pretty sure Krastorio breaks a LOT of mods. There is a few threads on krastorio page pointing mod breaking bugs related to Energy/Power.
Im sorry, but u have to choose one...
I will test myself to confirm and put on the list of incompatible with Krastorio on next update.

3 years ago

Thats bad :( Krastorio with Space Exploration are awesome. And Wind Generator mod CAN be perfect alternative to generate energy on planets with strong wind (Space Exploration). Is any option to make this mod compatibil with Krastorio? Anyway... thank You for very good mod.

3 years ago

"Is any option to make this mod compatibil with Krastorio?"
We need to ask to Krastor, is his mod that steamroll over smaller mods.
He need to change a bit the code to make exceptions for my wind turbines.

3 years ago

Linver :

Hi. Krastorio 2 don't modify modded/mod entities power production without an explicit compatibility implementation, so in this case, the only think that I have in mind is that changing the value of steam will break entities that use steam in certain ways, in this case I don't think is easy to fix.
We have stop the active developing of the mod, actually we fix only the mod bug, so u can ask to the mod author if he want make his mod compatible with K2, and if he need help to find something in K2 code, I'm available to help, but we will not implement new compatibility code. I'm sorry.

3 years ago

If his mod change Steam values, thats explains a lot.
I could change Steam for "Wind", a new fluid with the same properties of Vanilla Steam.
That should solve the problem, but it will take some time for me to do.

3 years ago

I have checked a fev mods and i have founded something what can help.
Wind Turbines (by OwnlyMe) works exacly like turbines in Krastorio, and with some reasons work with other mods and with no other mods correctly. Mayby You can use code from this mod?

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