Temporary Logistic Request

by Atria

Mod which allows you to temporary increase your personal logistic requests by clicking on recipes, items and entities.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistic network

i Request raw ingredients?

1 year, 2 months ago
(updated 1 year, 2 months ago)

The problem that I see using this on a practical basis is that it doesn't (elegantly) account for requests for recipes that have ingredients that are assembled items you might not have laying around in your network.

This may be particular to my play style (in which case, ignore me) but for example on a Seablock/Bob/Angels playthrough, where the recipe for many machines has the previous version of the machine as an ingredient, if I want to whip up a Chemical Plant 4 the requests that get added are some Processing Units, some titanium items, and a Chemical Plant 3. If I don't have the stuff to make one, then I have to go hunt down that recipe and click it too (which then leads to Chemical Plant 2, etc. etc.)

(Edit: Part of the hassle is also that if you do follow that chain down and make requests for all of the ingredients for the intermediary products, then craft them by only clicking on the highest-level recipe, the other requests are never "satisfied" -- e.g. if you click on the Chemical Plant 4 to craft it, you'll still have the requests for a 3, 2, 1 in your queue.)

Is there a way to access or calculate the total "raw" ingredients for a recipe, as shown in the tooltip, and request those instead? Maybe as an optional setting or additional hotkey?

1 year, 2 months ago
(updated 1 year, 2 months ago)

There are two problems:

  • Each ingedient can have multiple ways of creating it, which one should I pick? This can also be a problem with the final recipe but usually you are clicking directly on the recipe you want to request.
  • Should it really go all the way down to raw? In terms of seablock it would always request either Water or Mud Water. Even in vanilla Factorio you probably don't want ot be given raw ores for you to then do it manually. And even if it would stop at "stuff player can make in their inventory" you probably don't want that either in some modpacks. Again in Seablock you would be given thousands plates and organic stuff just for one tier 4 building and then it would take couple of minutes to create it.

I expect that if people are using this mod they already have logistic network and with that they also have a mall.

1 year, 2 months ago

The first one is a good point; I don't know how the calculation in the tooltip handles that.

The second point is why I mentioned the tooltip as a reference in the first place -- it generally indicates solid items and not fluids, and if something cannot be hand crafted, it is included as a "raw" ingredient. For example, for the Chemical Plant 4 that I mentioned, the tooltip says the "raw" ingredients are 5 brown, 1 green, 1 red, and 1 blue circuits, and 8 aluminium, 20 iron, 19 titanium, 3 steel, 18 bronze and 15 brass plates. I would love to have the option to request those ingredients instead of the listed ingredients in the recipe, but if the API doesn't have a way to access that, then it's probably way too much effort to reinvent that wheel.

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