
by Klonan

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i GUI frame too large on when having (but not using) multiple monitors

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

The GUI uses = player.display_resolution.height * 0.8 to set its height. However, the resulting window appears to be larger than my screen, leaving some of it outside of the render area. I'd say the frame is about as large as my screen itself and with the title bar and the Windows taskbar, some of it is not visible.

When manually execution /c game.player.print(game.player.display_resolution.height) in-game, the result is 1377 pixels, multiplied by 0.8, would give 1102, which would fit the screen. I am not sure why the GUI is too large in my case then.

For now, I changed the height to use * 0.5 instead, which makes the frame about 926 pixels, which would mean my screen height according to player.display_resolution.height is 1852‬. I am using a WQHD (2560x1440) as primary monitor and a FHD (1920x1080) screen on top of that, so something seems off about this.

I will make a post about this on the forums as well.

Edit: This behaviour seems to be caused by the UIScale setting making the frame larger, not taking into account the actual screen size, but rather the scaled one instead.

I suggest to change: = player.display_resolution.height * 0.8
to = player.display_resolution.height / player.display_scale * 0.8
This way the relative scale is proportional to the actual display resolution.

3 years ago

fixed it

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