I decreased the your spawn parameters a lot, but it seemed that i always start very far away. The last parameters were 10 / 30 for near and 20 / 40 for far, but I spawned far away from the rocket silo like always.
I used the following command and get my position. The position was -1103 and -369.
/c game.player.print('x='..game.player.character.position.x..' y='..game.player.character.position.y)
Since a chunk is 32 tiles, i saw that it worked. The problem is the rocket silo. I spawned on the planet, but the rocket silo spawns in space :(
Using default parameters lets you and the rocket silo spawn in space. If you forget to change the rocket silo distance and only change the spawn parameters like I did, it is a bit bad.
But nice mod anyway! I am really happy I found it :)
lg syn