Tarawind Beacons RELOAD 3x3

A re-reupload of Kane.Nexus' outdated Tarawind Beacons mod, which added 7 tiers of powerful beacons that can accept productivity modules and the new-and-improved 0.18 and 1.0 beacon graphics.

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

i Productivity Module Slot

4 years ago

I suggest adding the following lines of code to data-final-fixes.lua to visualize productivity modules on the entity itself (fell free to remove the two lines of comment)

-- Distinguish between vanilla and modded modules
local vanilla_productivity = {
p1 = "productivity-module",
p2 = "productivity-module-2",
p3 = "productivity-module-3"

-- Icon Fix
for _,name in pairs(vanilla_productivity) do
data.raw.module[name].beacon_tint = {primary = {r=1.000,g=0.463,b=0.322,a=1.000}, secondary = {r=1.000,g=0.976,b=0.388,a=1.000}}
data.raw.module[name].art_style = "vanilla"
data.raw.module[name].requires_beacon_alt_mode = false

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