Swarm deprecated

Beware the swarm! This mod makes larger biters, spitters, and spawners spawn multiple smaller enemies on death. Now, for instance, killing a medium biter means you have to deal with the small biters that spawn from the medium corpse.

6 years ago
0.13 - 0.16

g Please update for 0.17

5 years ago

thx :)

5 years ago


5 years ago

+1 . Although the 0.17 enemies are a step up, the Swarm makes it that more interesting to play.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Yeah, I've found that even with Bob's Enemies and Rampant and an Evo factor of 0.98 my perimeter walls don't even break a sweat. Swarm was the only thing that gave it a real challenge.

One small request... would it be possible to make Bob's larger biters split into the next size down rather into "Big" biters? That would make this even more insane because Bob's Enemies adds at least 3 new size tiers to the things. If this was an optional setting (in case it is just too crazy) that would be even better.

5 years ago

I'll work on updating this mod for 0.17 next; it expect it should be easier than fixing the bugs in Vehicle Wagon!

5 years ago

Howdy Supercheese, I've updated the mod and added a few tweaks - if you're interested, I've left you a pull request in github. Hopefully you find it useful!

5 years ago

We did some pretty extensive testing today of this fork. It is amazing! Feels like a fair fight. A true challenge but not impossible. Certain weapon combos work better than others. Overall, the balance feels very nice for late-game, at least with Bob's mods enabled.

5 years ago

The PR has been merged, just gotta wrap up new configs for NatEvo/5Dim enemies, then release the update.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Of particular note with Pawz's changes...

Each tier of enemy will split into the next tier down rather than skipping tiers. This goes Behemoth - 2x Titan - 2x Giant - 2x Huge - 3x Big - 3x Medium - 3x Small. In Vanilla, Behemoth splits into 3x Big.

-- More changes that were not put into the Pull Request: --

When more than a certain number of enemies are killed per tick, they are no longer queued. This is deliberate to make atomic bombs an effective option. Extensive testing before this fix proved that all atomic bombs did was give you thousands of angry bugs to tend with. Area of Effect weapons are now far more useful, like Bob's H.E. Bullets.

Attack code has been added to order newly spawned splits to immediately attack whatever killed the parent. This prevents confused kill zones where bugs would spawn without clear direction along your perimeter wall and get cut down before they decided what to do.

With Bob's, a combination of high tier lasers plus flamethrower turrets is an effective alternate to HE bullets. Without the flamers, the laser walls will get overrun in the late game.

4 years ago

just wanted to bump this, really excited to add this to my .17 game!!

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

New response