Supply Challenge Plus

The base game's Supply Challenge modified with additional settings.

2 months ago
The Unlicense (Public Domain)
3 months ago
Latest Version:
0.0.2 (2 months ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
52 users

Supply Challenge Plus

Factorio mod which takes the Supply Challenge scenario from the base game
and adds some settings to adjust how it is played and provide more
information on what's coming in future levels.
The gallery shows the how the display varies with with different settings enabled.

The main reasons for creating this were:
1. Allow playing the supply challenge without time pressure, instead
just using the requests as a way to give short-term goals.
2. Support playing supply challenge with the
Pacifist mod enabled, which
removes some of the items required in some levels, as the default
progression builds up to the military science pack. Currently it
just omits the missing items, but it should probably have some mod
compatibility system for customizing the challenge.
3. Have the display give better notice of what's upcoming in the
challenge. Currently you can just keep the
wiki page open, but
that information should just be displayed in-game.

Additionally I plan to look into:
1. Not relying on the scenario: since it's a mod, there's no reason to
not allow playing in "supply challenge" mode in any freeplay game.
2. Related: possibly treat it as a "directed start": i.e., don't end
the game after all challenges are satisfied.
3. Allow some customization of the challenges. Maybe through a mod setting?
4. Autosave when clicking "Next Level" so you can load and wait longer?
Might need to make next level take two clicks for that to work
as otherwise wouldn't it load and immediately process the next level event?

This is currently an early work-in-progress. Create an issue (or a pull
request) if you have an idea for a feature it should have.