
by GotLag

Adds superheaters and oil-fired boilers for increased efficiency in power generation

14 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

g Superheater Efficciency

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I'm playing with version 1.0.2 on Factorio 1.1.19

I'm confused about the supposed increase in efficiency by superheating the steam from a boiler to use in a steam turbine. I have 1 boiler feeding 1 superheater outputting steam to 1 turbine. Under my testing the superheater is consuming 3.6MW worth of fuel and the boiler is consuming 1.8MW worth of fuel with the turbine outputting 5.8MW of power. I can visually detect the superheater is using twice the amount of fuel that it is supposed to.

3 years ago

When you mouse over the superheater, does it show Efficiency: 200% in the fuel section of the info panel?
If not, does it show another mod has changed it?

3 years ago

I had the mod Space Exploration installed along with it's dependencies. In the fuel panel it showed the superheater having a fuel consumption of 3.6MW and no mention of fuel efficiency 200%. With the Superheater mod installed on its own it works as intended.

3 years ago

I had the mod Space Exploration installed along with it's dependencies. In the fuel panel it showed the superheater having a fuel consumption of 3.6MW and no mention of fuel efficiency 200%. With the Superheater mod installed on its own it works as intended. Space Exploration must be overriding machine fuel effectivity values somewhere.

3 years ago

I've updated, let me know if that fixes the problem

3 years ago

Yep, The new update fixed the issue and now is compatible. Thanks for the quick response.

New response