Subtle Map Tile Colors

Desaturates and makes other adjustment to map colors for tiles

5 years ago
5 years ago
Latest Version:
0.1.0 (5 years ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
7 users

Subtle Map Tile Colors

Note: Out of the box, this mod does nothing. You must configure it in Mod Settings -> Startup.

Certain terrain types make certain things (like cliffs) hard to see on the map or otherwise just make it harder to
read. This is particularly noticeable with mods like Alien Biomes, where the number of different types of terrain
colors on the map ends up creating noise that detracts from trying to see actually useful information on the map.

Subtle Map Tiles Colors provides a couple of options to change this:

  • Optionally, all tiles can be colored based on their speed multiplier. By default, this makes all normal terrain
    grey, with speed-reducing terrain (like mud) tending towards brown and speed-increasing terrain (like refined
    concrete) tending towards blue. These colors can be changed in the mod settings.

  • The brightness and saturation of all tile colors on the map can be changed. For instance, at 0% saturation, tiles on
    the map are entirely greyscale and only entities retain any coloration. Or tiles can be darkened by 50% so details
    on top of them stand out more. Note that this stacks with the above modification, if enabled.

In both cases, water tiles and the black "void" of uncharted areas are unaffected.

Known Issues

  • Default colors probably need some work. If you find a particularly nice set, let me know and I may consider
    changing them.

Unknown Issues

Found a bug? Please visit the Issues page to see if it has
already been reported, and report it if not.


0.1.0 (2020-02-06)

  • First release for Factorio 0.18