
by sh4dow

Build floor tiles that create a force field wall above them when supplied with energy.

6 months ago

i Balance issues

9 months ago

Hi, I'm using this mod and i think the energy consumption is really low. I'm using like 2000 walls of different colors and 10 or so emitters, and it barely consumes 2 MW of power.
I think it would make more sense to consume around 10 - 20 times more at least and around 80 - 120 times more at most, because those are walls that stand up just with energy, and don't need repairs.
What do you think?

9 months ago

Currently, the walls only drain energy while they are reconstructing. Adding a constant power drain to walls when they aren't being attacked might be better for balance when considering it based on total walls.

Without such a drain, the energy consumption of your walls will depend on how much they are damaged or destroyed - so a base with low pollution, high DPS defenses and a biter free zone around the walls will currently have much lower Stormwall energy demand than a deathworld on burners.
I also usually play with a "walls block spitter projectiles" mod, which increases the damage walls take per attack.

The difficulty of balancing this is that the default should be sane on both relatively easy playthroughs (slow evolution settings, solar energy (=low pollution), large contiguous base (low surface per base area), no difficulty mods) and challenging ones (deathworld, Rampant, mods that add a long burner phase, very fragmented base (individual outposts) with large surface (=many walls for smaller usable area)).

Another question is whether to incentivize "box bases" with a high base energy drain - I'd rather keep the main energy consumption in regeneration (ie. scaling with attacks, and requiring an investment in storage/capacity overhead on top of that for laser turrets) and allow high numbers of "inactive" walls (normal walls don't cost you anything after they are built either).

What kind of modpack and scenario did you get these values from?

9 months ago

Yeah, makes sense to draw the most power when rebuilding walls, although a "big" emitter idle draw could make sense (maybe 2 - 3 MW).
How can i see a list of the used mods, instead of writing them one by one? Or share a list of the save mods?
I'm not using nothing too special, an overhaul, several QoL, and little additions.

9 months ago

I don't need the whole mod list, I'm just curious what level of difficulty (mods like rampant, new enemies, etc. and map settings (deathworld/default/peaceful/?)) and base style (natural choke point, big square, isolated fortress outposts) you are using.

9 months ago

Combat mods:
- Started with Rampant but uninstalled cause i couldn't keep up with biters
- Schall endgame evolution
- Heavy waves (they attack less often, but in big groups)
- Nightfall
- Combat mecanics overhaul (probably the one you use)
World is default
My base relies on chokepoints, but i have several big walls that use resupply trains (often actually, cause bots keep dying to fire (other thing that your walls prevent)). Is basically a square, but with 30-40% walled, rest is water.

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