Stone Processor

A mod for washing stone into iron and copper. Finally another use for all of that excess stone!

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

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2 years ago

I was looking for a mod to turn stone into iron and copper, because another mod allows me to crush stone brick into stone. And i use another mod to create stone brick from wood that i can plant.

This means now i can make iron and copper out of trees !

It creates a fun challenge because you get 50% iron 50 % copper and if one pile up everything is stuck, similar to what happened to crude oil.

I then realize one cannot use module on the stone washer, and that it doesn't benefit from modules either. And also that it's not really necessary given the existing rate of production.

I made lanes of furnaces with different % of productivity to try and manage the ratio so that lower productivity is used when a ressource is in excess compared to the other. It's not working well so far but it's a lot a fun !

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