Stone Processor

A mod for washing stone into iron and copper. Finally another use for all of that excess stone!

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Question

4 years ago

Have you in mind to expand very much this tiny interesting mod, or would you keep it small?

4 years ago

Hey, good question!

I haven't really thought much about it yet.

I do think it could be cool to have like a two-step process.
Where you first have to crush the stone. Then move the crushed stone to a washer, to filter out the ore.

But I don't know, might be too much work, for such a little gain.

This was only intended to learn modding, and find another use for stone.

But I'm open for more ideas that might fit within the scope of processing stone.
If there's any other uses you'd like for it.

4 years ago

Well... the work and the complexity are not necessarily a problem. The point is to do it something interesting. I'm now playing a full pyanodon, but someday i'll return to angels+bob, and a better use for Stone is something Good for me. I will keep watching this mod, and we will see how it is progressing. As advice, take imagination and do not be afraid of difficulty and complexity.

4 years ago

Thank you.

And thanks for the advice, I'll try to keep it in mind. :D

And I'll try not to disappoint with future updates. Still have a bit more to do on my TODO list.

4 years ago


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