Starmap: Nexuz

by Tserup

A new star system: Nexuz and an interstellar route has been added to the starmap, incorporating planets from multiple mods. The star system distance can now be customized.

10 days ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod

i Integration of SLP - Dyson Sphere Reworked

11 days ago

Dyson Sphere Reworked allows the player to go into the suns orbit and into the suns closer orbit to harvest energy, you also get yellow sun asteroid thingies. Would be really nice if the Nexuz sun would also get that feature (maybe slightly different because different sun, and colored blue).

10 days ago
(updated 10 days ago)

This would likely require adding some new planets or space locations, which seems to be beyond the scope of this mod's functionality.It would be more appropriate to request this feature from the author of Dyson Sphere Reworked.

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