86.452 Error AtlasBuilder.cpp:157: Prepared sprite registrations are empty: start = 19812, to try = 0, max size = 4096, registered sprites count = 388431
86.452 Atlas: virtual = 0, flags = none
86.452 registration[19812]: padding = 1, dest_width = 4096, dest_height = 4096, filename = Starmap_Nexuz/graphics/icons/starmap_background_nexuz.png
86.452 registration[19813]: padding = 1, dest_width = 3204, dest_height = 3200, filename = Starmap_Nexuz/graphics/icons/starmap_startrails_nexuz_edge.png
86.452 registration[19814]: padding = 1, dest_width = 2528, dest_height = 2528, filename = Starmap_Nexuz/graphics/icons/starmap_startrails_nexuz_Tenebris.png
86.452 registration[19815]: padding = 1, dest_width = 19, dest_height = 8, filename = space-age/graphics/terrain/space-platform/tile-animations/north-top.png
86.452 registration[19816]: padding = 1, dest_width = 41, dest_height = 8, filename = space-age/graphics/terrain/space-platform/tile-animations/north-top.png
86.452 Error Util.cpp:81: No pictures to put in atlas.
92.596 Steam API shutdown.