Squeak Through

Allows you to walk between what used to be obstacles such as directly adjacent solar panels, pipes, steam engines, mining drills, and chests. No more frustration when walking about your base!

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

b Incompatible, v1.1

4 years ago

Won't work for version 1.1. Needs update. "Incompatible with current version of the game."

4 years ago

PLEASE FIXXXX :(((((((((((((
this is the ultimate quality of life mod

4 years ago

Would love to see an update as well!

4 years ago

It appears to work fine with 1.1.1 if you update the mod manually.

  1. Unpack the Squeak Through_1.8.0.zip file. It should create a folder named Squeak Through_1.8.0.
  2. Open the info.json file in a text editor.
  3. Find the line starting with factorio_version (should be line 4).
  4. Change "0.18" to "1.1.1".
  5. Save the file.
  6. Launch Factorio, and the mod should be active.

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