Squeak Through

Allows you to walk between what used to be obstacles such as directly adjacent solar panels, pipes, steam engines, mining drills, and chests. No more frustration when walking about your base!

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Update for 0.16

7 years ago

Is there an ETA for the 0.16 update?

7 years ago

Update the info.json by changing any mention of .15 to .16. Mod works just fine. At least until we Cheese gets around to a full update.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Confirmed. Unzipped, changed the one instance of 0.15 to 0.16 and rezipped up the whole folder and everything seems to be working fine. Just don't try zipping up only the files like I did :o) Zip the "Squeak Through_1.1.7" folder. I used 7-zip to do it, so one doesn't need WinZip or anything.

Edit: Thanks Randonx for the info :o) and Supercheese for the mod.

7 years ago

Yep, this is all that's needed for the update, mercifully! Official upload will arrive in a minute or two.

7 years ago

Thanks Supercheese. Sorry for posting a temp workaround, but Factorio isn't Factorio without this mod.

Have they talked to you at all about incorporating this feature into the base game?

7 years ago

Randonx, they did tweak some collision bopes in the base game, so they know how to do it already. Alas, they only did a half-arsed job at that, so Squeak Through is still (as you said) essential.

Thanks, Cheese, you really are Super. :D

7 years ago

[ Not the first to say, but no notifications of replies makes things difficult :o( ]

Thanks for the official update though Supercheese [there's something I never thought I'd type :oD ]. I played with 0.16 less than 10 minutes before I couldn't take getting stuck on everything any longer, so had to find a way to get your mod working again. Even though the changes were minimal, I still appreciate the mod and the update. Thank you.

7 years ago

Note to self: Read error messages before freaking out.
Had to change the file name for the mod to work.
... Why is it THAT sensitive? Makes little sense to me at the moment.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

There is a potential issue when downloading from the mod portal here via Firefox (or other browsers): https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=56101

The in-game mod portal interface, however, does not have this issue.

EDIT: This issue has since been resolved.

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