Spidertron squad control [0.5.0 BETA RELEASE]

adds a spidertron squad remote so you don't have to use 100 remotes to control your spider army. also adds a follow mode for your spider army. And a better entity-follow tool that doesn't require you to link every single spidertron individually Beta versions available on GitHub for testing: https://github.com/npc-strider/spidertron-squad-control/releases

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Crash Report

3 years ago

Error while running event Spider_Control::on_player_used_spider_remote (ID 166)
LuaEntity API call when LuaEntity was invalid.
stack traceback:
Spider_Control/control.lua:149: in function <Spider_Control/control.lua:132>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/control.lua:149: in function <Spider_Control/control.lua:132>"

Not sure what caused it, no specific actions. We were just playing, not doing anything spidertron-related at the moment.

3 years ago

This has reoccured now. This time we were controlling spiders when it happened.

3 years ago

thank you for the report, fixed for next release

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hey do you have a public development branch on the sorce code? I'd love to be able to contribute to the code (like when I encouter a crash or something). I notice the source is public but that doesn't seem to have a development branch or anything.

3 years ago

not at the moment. I need learn more about git branches (right now im a noob because I only know to how to commit really)

3 years ago

Well usually you'd have a master branch which is only updated when there's a new release and a 'develop' branch where you push incremental changes during development. When a new versiopn is ready you merge it into 'master'.

As long as the development changes are pushed as they happen to the GitHub remote, other people can both contribute their own code (as pull requests, which you can approve or reject) and look over yours before release.

3 years ago

I've had issues with this bug as well, If it doesn't end up getting completely fixed in the next release I have a save that reproduces the bug consistently and would be happy to share.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

hey thanks for the advice. i'll work on getting two branches set up
should be fixed, i just forgot a .valid check near that line
i haven't been working on the mod lately because i haven't had much time unfortunately (and because I've been putting time towards implementing the link to entity option). might just put out a quick patch for just this bug tomorrow

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

EDIT: I now have a dev branch where the new link tool stuff is happening

New response