Spidertron squad control [0.5.0 BETA RELEASE]

adds a spidertron squad remote so you don't have to use 100 remotes to control your spider army. also adds a follow mode for your spider army. And a better entity-follow tool that doesn't require you to link every single spidertron individually Beta versions available on GitHub for testing: https://github.com/npc-strider/spidertron-squad-control/releases

4 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

b Crash report

4 years ago

I'm getting consistent crashes when exiting vehicles. Crash log:

Error while running event Spider_Control::on_player_driving_changed_state (ID 26)
Spider_Control/control.lua:197: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
Spider_Control/control.lua:197: in function 'squad_leader_state'
Spider_Control/control.lua:202: in function <Spider_Control/control.lua:201>

Save game included for reproduction purposes: https://studntnu-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/karlehof_ntnu_no/EVP9GTu33iROhrgNJLYsIc0Bha6r55wmt7pnhQ7fHmqPqQ?e=8n5mLn

The save has the player in a train. Disembarking causes a crash.

4 years ago

should be fixed in the next release, but you may need to make a save without the mod first before re enabling it (to rebuild the tables)

4 years ago


4 years ago

should be fixed in the next release, but you may need to make a save without the mod first before re enabling it (to rebuild the tables)


4 years ago

ah forgot about those... used them for a previous update

New response