Speedy Trains

Increase Locomotive and Wagon max speed. Increases Locomotive power consumption (To reach those speeds)

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g could this be an infinte reserch

5 years ago

then there will be a balance of controllable trains or throughput and each has cons and pros

5 years ago

It might be able to.

At the moment it's just allowing the trains to have a higher max speed, and increasing the Fuel Burn amount.

The trains would always be controllable, relatively.

What values were you thinking of changing with the Infinite Research?

5 years ago

what I meant was I have a mod installed that makes braking research infinite and thus if you get greedy with speed you lose controllability of the trains in their schedules (I.E. lockups in blocks become more frequent because if the train needs longer to slow down it negates throughput of other trains)

for values could each have their own and could cause drawbacks on other values a basic example could be speed causing something like the default plus a percentage but will also raise the fuel use (P.S. I'm not sure if this is quite possible but would be a very balanced prospect)

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