Space Extension Mod (SpaceX)

Greatly extend the end game requiring multiple launches and massively increased science. Requires 40+ launches, and of a variety of new components. The goal is to build a vessel capable of getting you off the planet and home safely. Updated graphics courtesy of Steinerrr. Russian translation courtesy of Zerggurat.

5 months ago
0.13.7 - 1.1

g make ftl-teory cheaper

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

There is no reason to have gap in research cost 6k, 12k, 24k => 200k.
That gap make game science cost multiplier is useless.


1) remove 'Ignore tech price multiplier'
option just reduce science cost 1/4. but its not intuitive.
and mod already have science cost multiplier. they can be merged together...

make basic research cost cheaper (x3-x10) times (6k=>2k) (12k=>3k) (24k=>5k) (200k=>20k)

make multipliers range in (x1-x64) - basic (x1-x16) * (x4) to compensate science cost reduction and removed setting "Ignore tech price multiplier"

or (x1-x1024) for what ever you want.

2) remove bob_coefficient as there already research cost multiplier and map research cost multiplier.
with bob ftl-theory-* cost is 2M !!! that already too big.

with mod research multiplier and map research cost multiplier - research cost going incredible...

That 2 setting enough to nerf bob late game.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Totally agree. With full lab productivity (+160%) FTL engine requires 770 sattelite launches.
It takes me ~8 hours to research single FTL stage with game.speed = 4 and 7 science/sec (which is pretty good for angelbob if not using cheaty modules I suppose), and, the most important - by the time you reach FTL theory you have everything built and done, so you have no fun waiting several days in game.
And the FTL engine is heckingly cheap compared to it's research cost or protection fields.

3 years ago

You can already turn off the satellite cost altogether, but ok, I will take this on-board.

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