Space Extension Mod (SpaceX)

Greatly extend the end game requiring multiple launches and massively increased science. Requires 40+ launches, and of a variety of new components. The goal is to build a vessel capable of getting you off the planet and home safely. Updated graphics courtesy of Steinerrr. Russian translation courtesy of Zerggurat.

7 months ago
0.13.7 - 1.1

g Disable Messages/Auto-approve prompts?

6 years ago

In late game I'm having issues where the prompts for each step are starting to happen too often (I've launched about 10 space ships, yes the full thing, not rockets, the whole spaceship made up of the required parts). I expect now that I have my production lines in place my spacex launches are only going to speed up. I wish there was a way to disable all prompts/notifications (maybe only console messages or make that configurable too?) via options or automatically once you launched your 5th ship (or prompt the user then at least).

I want to be completely clear b/c I realize my play style might be an edge case. I've launched over 4K rockets, I have 10 completed spacex ship launches (as in the mod let's you pick to continue or end your game). For each full spacex "launch" you get around 4-5 times that a dialog pops up AND opens the SpaceX info screen. I have to stop whatever I'm doing to accept the prompt and re-hide the spacex info screen. If multiple-launches is not something that is really supported or expected to be used this way then I understand. I just wanted to ask for this feature as I feel like it shouldn't been too terribly difficult to add a "message level" option to skip/hide these messages but I don't want to trivialize it either.

6 years ago

You get the message 3 times, one for each stage. I do understand and think it is a good idea- edge case or not. Congrats on getting so many launched. I will probably add a mod setting by player that you can set anytime during playthrough to disable these notifications. You may need to re- enable them if you get to the point when you are done.

Also this may have to wait for the imminent version 0.17, unless we hear that it is significantly delayed over the expectation from the last Friday facts.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Wow, thanks for the quick response. Yeah I totally understand wanting to wait for 0.17. This is a a quick bobs mega-ish base that I started about a month ago. I launched another 6 ships and I think part of my issue is that if say there is 1 more required part and I launch 2 rockets each with that part, the mod kind of spazes a little and sometimes will open and then close a dialog really quickly. I can guess at the cause and honestly I don't care to "lose" a part when this happens but it makes the sound alert play twice. So that plus the visual cues make me feel like there are a lot of distractions as now I am getting a spaceship launch every 10 min or so (so 3 interruptions every 10 minutes).

I'll probably just disable my spacex auto-launcher circuits since I don't really need any more launches and it's just burning resources (which is part of the fun of this kind of base) but the notifications outweigh the joy of that number going up haha. I'll find another metric indulge.

5 years ago

Finally added in 0.4.3 - options in mod settings (in game) map settings

New response