Space Extension Mod (SpaceX)

Greatly extend the end game requiring multiple launches and massively increased science. Requires 40+ launches, and of a variety of new components. The goal is to build a vessel capable of getting you off the planet and home safely. Updated graphics courtesy of Steinerrr. Russian translation courtesy of Zerggurat.

7 months ago
0.13.7 - 1.1

b Error on first satellite launch

6 years ago

Auto deconstruct .1.11
Foreman 3.0.1
Infinizoom .1.2
Outpost planner 1.0.2
Plannercore .1.1
SpaceX .3.4
Base .16.41
FactorioWorld .16.0
Rso 3.6.3

Brave new world scenario (no player, all bots)

Save file is at the green circuits, about thirty seconds before launch. Go south to the end of the bus but before the stone to see the silo.

6 years ago

Having some technical difficulties, will post save file in ~4 hours.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Error while running event
SpaceMod:on_rocket_launched (ID 10)
Unknown interface: silo_script
stack traceback:
[]SpaceMod/control.lua:233: in function

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

This crashes not only on the satellite but on anything being launched.

I have bypassed this by commenting out lines 233 and 234 of control.lua, resulting in no crash, 1 of 175 satellites, and my 1000 space science, but there is no window for everything I’ve launched so far.

New response