Planetary factories sitting idle while you struggle with Space Exploration's data-driven space science? Well, no more! Now for every tier worth of Space Exploration science required for a technology, you need 1 more terrestrial science pack per research step. And, of course, you need 1 more specialized space science per research step for every tier worth of deep space science. The exact formula lets a technology that used to require 1 of each of terrestrial, rocket, Astro 4, Material 1, and Deep 3 sciences now require ((1+3)*(1+4+1+2*3)=48)x terrestrial (1+4+1+2*3=12)x rocket, (1+3=4)x Astro 4, (1+3=4)x Material 1, and 1x Deep 3 sciences. The maximum terrestrial sciences is (1+4)*(1+4+4+4+4+2*4)=125, the maximum rocket science is (1+4+4+4+4+2*4)=25, and the maximum specialized science is (1+4)=5.