SpaceAge Language package in Ukrainian - Мовний пакет українською.
Translations for other mods.
Version: 1.0.1 Date: 21. 10. 2024 Updates: - Update to a new version of the game
Version: 0.1.6 Date: 06. 09. 2023 Updates: - Removed outdated localization for mods
Version: 0.1.5 Date: 02. 04. 2023 Updates: - Ukrainian locale updated (UltimateResearchQueue, StatsGui, MouseOverConstruction, BetterAlertArrows, TrainGroups, Train_Control_Signals, BlueprintTools, PipeVisualizer, FluidMustFlow, Krastorio2, RPGsystem, Explosive Biters, Cold Biters, Alien Biomes, NapalmArtillery, ArmouredBiters)
Version: 0.1.3 Date: 04. 03. 2023 Updates: - Added localization to many mods
Version: 0.1.2 Date: 06. 02. 2023 Updates: - The Ukrainian language for the mods has been updated. Space-Exploration, Bzzirconium.
Version: 0.1.1 Date: 05. 02. 2023 Updates: - Update of the Ukrainian language for the mod Big-Monsters v1.3.1. - Update of the Ukrainian language for the mod Expolosive-Biters v2.0.1. Changes: - Added Ukrainian language for the mods. - Added Ukrainian language for the mod Tiered-Gas-Generator. - Added Ukrainian language for the mod Pace-Exploration. - Added Ukrainian language for the mod Space-Exploration-Postprocess. - Added Ukrainian language for the mod Hazmat-Suit-Fixed-Version-For-Krastorio-2. - Added Ukrainian language for the mod FluidMustFlow. - Added Ukrainian language for the mod Deadlock-Beltboxes-Loaders.
Version: 0.0.5 Date: 05. 02. 2023 Updates: - Redesign.
Version: 0.0.1 Date: 05. 02. 2023 Changes: - Start.