SpFu Material Pack

New materials for a more advanced crafting.

3 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

g Fermium ore

4 years ago

I can not find new ore. Does not appear on the map

4 years ago

which version of the game are you running?

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hello, Grokpier! Thanks for the great mod!
I'm having trouble enjoying the mod. Fermium Ore does not appear at the start of a new game. I think it's because of RSO. But I'm not sure.
Please help me enjoy your mod.
All of my versions are up to date.
Factorio is 1.1.38.

3 years ago

I'll work on it right now. Could you try to see if there's still ore further away from the starting area? Maybe copy the save so that you don't modify your current game and activate the cheats so that you can move fast and safely.

3 years ago

I've updated the mod. Try and download it. Generate a new world and let me know if there's still a problem

3 years ago

Thank you so much for the quick feedback.
But still the problem is not solved.
I'm pretty sure it's an RSO related issue. When I start a new game, I found the following message.
"The resource fermium-ore is not configured in RSO. It won't be spawned!"
I've made a request to RSO, but I don't know when it will be confirmed and resolved.
It's a pity, but I'll try to enjoy the mod without fermium ore.
Will it proceed without mining fermium ore?

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Ok, I see where the problem is. Tomorrow I'll try and see how the RSO mod works so that I can try and make it compatible

3 years ago

It's taking a bit longer than expected. I just want to let you know that I didn't forget but it will probably require some time between figuring out how RSO works and other stuff that I have to do.

3 years ago

Hey, sorry for the come and go but I've been looking a little bit into it and I honestly don't really feel like messing with the RSO. I'm still kinda figuring out how the basic Factorio generation system works and I don't think it would be a good idea for me to get into RSO too. I'm sorry but I don't think I can really help you.

3 years ago

나는 RSO에게 이 문제에 대해 말했고 지금은 해결됐습니다. 페르뮴 광석은 맵상에 잘 나옵니다 :) 고맙습니다

3 years ago

Awesome! I hope you'll enjoy the mod then!

New response