Solar Walls

A Wall equiped with a solar panel. Wall with Solar Panel generating 5Kw.

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

i Balancing

5 years ago

This is a neat mod, but what's the philosophy behind each wall having 2x the cost of a normal wall plus nearly half the cost of a regular solar panel with only the same hp as a wall and 1/12th the power output (effectively ~6x the cost per kW)?

Why not have a solar panel and 9 wall as ingredients, and produce 9 walls with 5 kW each for a conversion of 60->45 (25% loss of power output)?

5 years ago

Hello IronCartographer. Man, your idea is great... i really think something is very wrong with the recipe... I just updated the mod with your help. Released the 0.0.5 version THANKS!! :)

5 years ago

Looks good. :)

In retrospect the 9 output makes for a very unusual recipe (doesn't align with stack size at all!), but it is flavorful!

I normally don't make walls but combining this with the new biters... Yes, walls are looking very interesting now.

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