Solar Lamp

A self-powered lamp. No cables attached!

3 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

i New Texture

5 years ago

I got a suggested texture tweak for these lights. I haven't tested it in game, I just worked on it over the last hour. :P

I still got the source layered file as well. Spent a while fiddling with it trying to get it to look nice. Should hopefully still fit within one tile space. I don't have a shadow for it however.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

The perspective seems a bit off, but the idea is there. Maybe we can have people vote on which one they like better here.

This is how it looks compared side by side to the current one:
The lamp itself looks quite small if fit into a 1x1 tile. Maybe if the entity was 1x2, but I feel like it would make it a bit large and clunky for a lamp.

5 years ago

I've got another idea for a better texture and better perspective and such, but, I'm a little bleh right now so I haven't really tried to expand further on it yet.

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