Smog: Visual Pollution

Now high pollution makes grey smog; good UPS optimization

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

i Taking light levels into account

2 years ago

Hey there!
I really like this mod as it adds a whole lot to the atmosphere (heh), but I am playing with the Clockwork mod, which makes it pitch black at night. The fog layer stays the same however, turning the nights into a grey-ish block pattern. I don't mind the blockiness too much, as I saw in other threads it's a limitation one has to live with, but I wondered whether it would be possible to make the fog change color according to the brightness, gradually turning from grey at day to a darker grey for nighttimes (and black for pitch black nights like with Clockwork and similar mods).
Would that be a good idea to add to this mod?

2 years ago

It's a good idea, but the update is not to fast. You can get the situation, where one chunk has "day" color and the near one has "night" color.

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