Smaller Beacons

Basic Beacons become 2x2 instead of 3x3, per request of Arumba

4 years ago
0.13 - 0.18

g different sizes

8 years ago

Hey would it be possible to add this mod as a standalone offering 3x3 and 2x2 size?

8 years ago

As in have both sizes of the beacon in the same game? I could (relatively) easily add this, and just make the smaller beacon cost more resources.

8 years ago

As in have both sizes of the beacon in the same game? I could (relatively) easily add this, and just make the smaller beacon cost more resources.
or you could icrease the material cost and effect of the larger one, would make more sense, no?

5 years ago

did this die? an idea. have the advanced beacon cost 3 normal beacons. could even make a 1x1 beacon that cost 12 beacons, 12 rocket control units and 12 low density structure. this idea makes me wish i knew how to mod myself.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Randomly came across this mod as it recently updated to 0.17, found this thread, but this type of functionality exists in Mini Machines. It features both a mini beacon (with reduced stats) alongside the normal size beacon.

The mini beacon recipe does cost 1/3 less than the regular size beacon, as it takes up roughly 1/3 fewer tiles. So you can technically get a higher effect gain by fitting more mini beacons around a single entity, even if the individual effectivity per beacon is reduced.

This balancing effect can also be disabled, for anyone who just wants smaller beacons (among many other machines). There's also full bobs mods compatibility, so mini beacons go all the way up to tier 4, alongside bobs.

As for making mega beacons... there might be other mods that do this. I've been thinking about making a macro machines mod as the antithesis to mini machines, with machines that are larger, higher cost, but faster producing. Though I think Whistle Stop Factories has cornered the market on MEGA machines.

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