Simple Silicon

by Arcitos

Extends the way circuits and solar panels are manufactured in a simple yet challenging way. All recipes are balanced and vanilla compatible.

4 years ago
0.14 - 0.18

g Updating this to 1.0 or 1.1

3 years ago
(updated a month ago)

I think all I needed to do was change the .jason file as shown below:
"author" : "Arcitos",
"dependencies" : [ "base >= 1.1.0" ],
"description" : "Extends the way circuits and solar panels are manufactured in a simple yet challenging way. All recipes are balanced and vanilla compatible.",
"factorio_version" : "1.1",
"homepage" : "",
"name" : "SimpleSilicon",
"title" : "Simple Silicon",
"version" : "1.2.1"
Note that my local copy is 1.2.1. I haven't tried the later version yet.

I was also getting one of the icons in the game showing up wrong. I changed the icon size as shown below in resources.lua:
icon = "SimpleSilicon/graphics/icons/quartz.png",
icon_size = 64, -- was 32

quartz.png is a 64 by 64 bit picture, not 32
I haven't checked to see if it was fixed in the later version.

I am currently using this mod in the latest version of Factorio (1.1.24) and everything still seems to work ok.

This mod updated to Factorio 1.1. Public ReadOnly Link to Factorio Stuff (In mods subfolder):

2 years ago


1 year, 2 months ago


New response