심플한 한글 번역(Simple Korean Locale)

팩토리오 2.0 모드들의 한글화를 돕는 모드입니다. 지원되는 모드는 Changelog나 모드 정보 참고 부탁드려볼게요! (500+ 모드 지원) 번역 추가 / 수정 / 개선 요청이 필요하다면 Github나 토론장, 디스코드 채팅 polarzero로 자유롭게 요청주세요! 추후 XMKTP 등에서 지원하던 모드의 재번역을 진행할 예정입니다.

7 hours ago
1.1 - 2.0

g Translation of mod Testbenchcontrols

17 days ago

Hey, i saw you added translation for my mod. How does that even work? How do you find what needs to be translated? I just added localisation for the mod so now all it needs is a localisation file

17 days ago

It's glad to my mod helps a lot :)
but sadly scenario name or scenario related things will require addtional progress (its untested sadly)
mod developer just add it to scenario's own locale folder. no additional data is nessessary on scenario folder
on truth, I'm just added translation of scenario name as just placeholder. it will be added at sometimes but it requires more testing...

TL;DR it's placeholder. only scenario related translation on scenario/locale :)

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