Shuttle Train Continued

The original personal train transport mod, summon your personal train and travel the world !

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Update for 1.1?

4 years ago

Hello, will we be seeing an update for 1.1 for this mod?

4 years ago


4 years ago

I was able to make a temporary fix that seems to work...

In info.json, change the "factorio_version": to "1.1"

In control.lua change lines 7 & 8 from

local modGui = _G.mod_gui


local modGui = require("mod-gui")

It's allowing the game to run and I haven't run into issues in my gameplay yet.

4 years ago

Sorry guys, for some reason the portal stopped emailing me when i had notifications, so i didn't even know it wasn't working anymore. :-(
Published a quick update base on Fitwe's tweaks which seems good, but if anyone has any problems let me know

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