Shuttle Train Continued

The original personal train transport mod, summon your personal train and travel the world !

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Browsed across this mod through the options-menu mod portal

4 years ago

Howdy! Most of my non-playing Factorio-related time is spent on the r/Factorio subreddit and the Facebook group, with occasional pokes into here or the forums.

I'm vaguely guessing that this mod is for me, based on how I use a personal train on a large base with hundreds of LTN stops (all requiring unique station names) and at least one PAX vanilla-trainstop at every train platform. My chief complaint about the vanilla game's ability to just specify a temporary destination anywhere on the locomotive-gui-mapview with a right-click... is that once I arrive, if I forget or am delayed in any way from switching the loco to manual, it'll leave without me. Whenever I've posed this issue in the forums or on the subreddit, the replies I get essentially amount to informing me that I seem to be the only person who likes using their builder train as a personal train with PAX stations carefully embedded in the rail network. I'm told that this "temp stop" feature is designed for me to be able to just hijack the nearest passing train in active service, catching a hitchhiked lift to where I wanna go, and then hop out and would PREFER that the train default to just leaving its cash on the nightstand and immediately leave without saying "I love you" and refusing to return my calls or texts the following weekend.

Will this mod allow me to modify that behavior (whether globally or on a per-locomotive basis) to such that now, when I temp-specify a right-clicked location on an open rail link, it'll head there and just wait for a non-existent combinator signal before proceeding? Or similar?

Basically, I read the FAQ, and the 4 snippets of info in the FAQ answer questions that are wuite plainly very interesting and valid questions. But may I politely suggest that it's missing the first question, "Q: What does this mod 'do,' and what was the unmodded vanilla-game train behavior that the original mod creator felt was something that needed to be changed? Or, in other words, what are 2 or 3 examples of in-game circumstances where a Factorio player would really regret their decision to play without installing this mod?"

For the record, I will be installing the mod in a few moments to test things, but I thought that I might be able to contribute constructively by suggesting that addition to the FAQ. (I would also suggest adding the same new FAQ item to the forum listing page for this mod as well, even though it seems like it's inactive since the last reply was dated for summer 2019.)

Thank you for your time here with my comment, and thank you VERY much for your time and work maintaining this mod.

New response