
by Zombiee

Sort and organize the recipes in the crafting menu so that's it's cleaner. Meant for use with Bob's, also supports Angel's and Omni.

5 years ago
0.15 - 0.18

g Things Recon has noticed

5 years ago

Rather than making a lot of threads, I'll just post here when I find something questionable. :)

So, the first thing is the distillery. The mk1 is waaaay at the bottom of the Logistics page, but mk2-5 are up near the top.

5 years ago

Appreciated. On the list already but feel free to add more bits

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

The belts are on the first tab "Logistics", but the tab icon for the 2nd tab "Bob's Logistics" shows an image of a belt. This is rather misleading.

Subterrain mod's underground belts should probably be moved down to where the Subterrain mod's underground pipe is on the Logistics tab.

5 years ago

I'll look at Subterrain, might be in next update.

5 years ago

You know, we've been having trouble caused by Bob's 128x128 icons for various electronic thingies. I don't suppose you could replace those sprites with a standard sized version? They're a real headache for Deadlock crating compatibility because there's a function in his mod which automatically creates stacked or crated versions of any normal item icon. But it doesn't work with Bob's enormous ones.

5 years ago

That's beyond the scope of ShinyIcons, I'm very much trying to avoid feature creep and thus want this mod to sort things and very little else. That said, ShinyBobGFX actively overwrites all the boards and circuits already (if you have the option enabled) .. IIRC the only remaining icons are the 4 subcomponents (resistor, transistor, microchip and processor). Would smaller versions of them solve the woes?

5 years ago

Yes, that would solve it. Those are the specific four items which do not play nice with Deadlock's stuff.
However, having said that, Pawz was able to isolate and repair the issue yesterday in a little fix mod that isn't currently published. But you're right in that you don't want to get wrapped up in feature creep. Besides, it'd require adding Shiny to dependency lists.

5 years ago

Glad you've got a fix then. For my part in doing nothing I demand large amounts of bacon

5 years ago

Nuclear Reactor 2, Heat Pipe 2, and Heat Pipe 3 are in a separate menu row. Originals should be brought into that new row as well.

Subterranean pipe is pretty far away from Subterranean belt in the menu rows

Thorium 232 is in Bob's Materials, but all the other thorium stuff is in Intermediate Products

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