
Far better graphics for Bob's mods by Qumojo/qjm123 and Nexela. Graphics compression by Inequalitix.

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.14

b Crystallizing to gem ores yield incorrect products

7 years ago

Reported in Angel's Refining:

Crystallization from crystal seedling and crystal catalyst to gem ores yields the wrong products for 4 of the 6 recipes (amethyst ore and diamond ore yield the correct products).

Incorrect products:

Crystallizing topaz ore -> emerald ore
Crystallizing emerald ore -> sapphire ore
Crystallizing sapphire ore -> ruby ore
Crystallizing ruby ore -> topaz ore

First few lines of ShinyBob's locale\en\bobsplates.cfg:

ruby-ore=        Topaz Ore      
ruby-3=      Raw Topaz      
ruby-4=      Cut Topaz      
ruby-5=      Polished Topaz 

The rest of the definitions match the patterns listed above.

In-game results:

New response