
Far better graphics for Bob's mods by Qumojo/qjm123 and Nexela. Graphics compression by Inequalitix.

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.14

g Two spelling errors that can prevent the game from loading

I've edited the config file to use different graphics for robot brains and tools. After doing so, the game would fail to load and give an error that led me to discover the typos.

<\graphics\icons\robots\option1\robot-tool-combat--2> and

The file names have an extra hyphen before the numbers on the end, and this doesn't match the names of resources the mod searches for. When it can't find them, the game crashes. Sorry, I didn't copy the text of the error message because renaming the files by deleting the extra hyphen fixes the problem.

To all those who work on it: THANK YOU for this mod! It really increases the appeal of using Bob's mods -- I couldn't play without ShinyBob.

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