
Far better graphics for Bob's mods by Qumojo/qjm123 and Nexela. Graphics compression by Inequalitix.

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.14

g No recepie for tungsten/titanium chests?

8 years ago


How do I build the normal tungsten/titanium chests?
I have researched everything and can build the yellow storage versions, but not the normal ones?

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

I believe this is a change by the original creator in the configuration file.

EDIT: Confirmed. See if the latest update helps you.

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

I just tested the latest version, its still the same unfortunately.
/edit image tags dont seem to work here, wish this was treated like a normal forum...

I also checked my tech 6 assembly machines, no recepie there either.

I have not made any changes to the configuration file, I did check it out and I assume this is controlled by this line:
extra_chests_titanium_tungsten = true

8 years ago

Try switching it to false, perhaps. If this does not fix the issue, I will report this to qjm123.

8 years ago

Setting to false will do the opposite and remove recepies and items completely...
Im sure the items and recepies are active, they are just not accessible and that is what needs to be fixed.

8 years ago

See if the most recent update for 0.14 fixes the issue for you.

New response