
Far better graphics for Bob's mods by Qumojo/qjm123 and Nexela. Graphics compression by Inequalitix.

6 years ago
0.13 - 0.14

b Can't load module.

7 years ago

Factorio is not loading, error: ShinyBob 0.14.3 ShinyBob/data.lua:58:boblibrary/recipe-functions.lua:24: attempt to call global 'log' (a table value)

7 years ago

what is the version of your Factorio?

7 years ago

Please check to ensure you downloaded the correct version for your Factorio in the Downloads tab. Both 0.13 and 0.14 versions are provided.

7 years ago

Im using the correct mod version ( 0.14.4), still cant load with this mod in folder

7 years ago

The mod author has recognized this as a compatibility issue with belt-sorter and auto-research. An update is expected to come soon.

New response