Is it possible to have the light have a spread angle, say 30 degrees of angle where it gets darker near the edge?
So that searchlight can illuminate an area around the enemy it's targeting than only the enemy it sees?
I second this, that it a lot more like what I think of when I think spotlight.
The current version is so focused it's difficult to actually see what it's pointing at.
Unfortunately the beam of an electric turret cannot be made any larger, it's about at its maximum already.
If the dimensions are made larger, the beam's alignment breaks and the end texture loops over itself.
Then what about make it smaller instead, and divide the light between several spots at the same place or nearly, each with 1 degree of difference in angle? Placing them very close would create a "similar-to-spread" effect. And for the player, putting a searchlight would, for the program results in creating several lightspots at this location.