
Build long ranged lights that track enemies from a distance! Searchlights are non-damaging, electric-powered turrets requiring Optics technology.

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

i nice

3 years ago

It's very beautiful. Why can't it be made into atmosphere spotlight to create landscape lighting effect

3 years ago

I've considered expanding the mod to include stationary atmospherics:

The first method I thought of would be to add recipes for Searchlights that are "given" to another faction when placed, then add "targets" that are given to yet another faction (these two factions would be allied to you, but hostile to one another). The only way to deconstruct the light and target however would be with player gunfire. Not user friendly, and runs risks of incompatibility with mods that interact with factions.

The second method would be to make a Searchlight "car" and modify the headlights, using a method similar to AAI's vehicles to keep the headlights on while not inside. Multiple recipes could then be added for light distance, intensity and patterns.

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