Scorched earth

Even if you disassembled an outpost, traces of your stay will remain on the alien planet for many years.

6 years ago
0.14 - 0.17

g Abosulte brilliant!

8 years ago

I just added this mod, and im absolute amazed by it. Factorio is "all" about ravaging the eco-system of the planet you crash-landed on, stripping every ressource from it you can find. And beside from no longer existing ore fields and some squashed bugs, there is little sign from your actions. -well, beside the huge factories you build. :P

But this just adds flavor to the whole theme, that was, in my eyes, desperatly needed. Kudos to you!
I just startet a new map and can't wait to see the destruction that biter attacks will cause at my borders.

Really, really awesome! Be patient until the word get arround, this is a really damn fine mod!

8 years ago

Thanks for your words, OldFritz. These words bring the uncontrollable desire to continue working on the mod. Any suggestions are welcome!

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

Well, actually i might have one. But it is not meant to be picky, it was just a notice; i use "alien biomes", again to add some much needed flavor.
Since the new added landmass there is not the vanilla one, there is no shattered/scorched land after a deconstruct.

I can barely grasp who much work in coding it was to get this effect done on the main groundtexture, but i guess it was a lot.

Personally i think improvements on "aesthetics" like your's are just as wonderful as the buildingmods.
As addicting the overall gameplay of Factorio is, some visual updates just refine it all the more.

8 years ago

Please check the 14.22.4 release. At first glance, everything works:)

8 years ago

Wow, awesome! I can't believe you just updated it that quick! Thank you.

8 years ago

Love the idea, anything that makes the "footprint" on the martian planet feel more real/more permanent.
Trying out Alien Biomes, Dirt Path mods as companions to this.

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